Thursday, June 28, 2012

In A Dark Time by Stephen Jarrell Williams

In a dark time
within us and here,

we smooth ourselves over

with oil and gossip.

Beating our heels into the floor music,

paying more with less


Whistling old songs

like they'll save us.

Give us that shot,

vaccine against swine

boiled in the underworld.

There's not enough

lighthouses to cast light over the dying sea.

The fires are burning California.

Where's the great Kennedy from yesterday?

Only Dylan still has a spark to share.

We should march for something...

We're in a vacuum of overpopulation,

soulless mass,


in a dark time.

Published in September 2009

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ego by Stephen Jarrell Williams


None of us
what the world was coming to

we had ideas and even visions
nothing like the slap and roar of the end

children no longer born
women no longer loved
sea and sky no longer blue

earth, wood, and stone
on every man so full of himself.

Published in December 24, 2011